Mental Health and Wellbeing
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. For advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing and to create a free NHS approved ‘Mind Plan’ visit
The following are five steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing:
- Connecting with other people
- Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)
- Be physically active
- Learn new skills
- Give to others
Emotional support, advice and information
Support in a mental health crisis
Support for older people feeling lonely
The Silver Line: 0800 470 8090
This is a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Connect service (for older people or people with a long-term health condition, information, advice and practical support).
- Broxtowe, Gedling or Rushcliffe: 0115 939 5406
- Mid Nottinghamshire (Mansfield, Ashfield or Newark and Sherwood areas): 01623 488217
- Bassetlaw: 0115 844 3541
For further information on services in Nottingham visit and in Nottinghamshire visit
It's safe to talk about suicide
It can be difficult to identify the signs of suicide.
Look out for changes in behaviour and mood… talking about feeling hopeless, trapped or worthless… self-harm.
If you are worried that someone you know might be feeling suicidal, the safest thing to do is to ASK.
It’s OK to talk, suicide is preventable and there is always help available.
Find out more
Looking after your mental wellbeing
Information for older people
Looking after our mental wellbeing is important and can help us to feel more positive and better able to handle the stresses of life.
Different people will be experiencing different emotions and responses during the COVID pandemic and changing social distancing restrictions.
COVID has had a big impact on some older people’s mental health and has left some people feeling lonely and unsure of where to go for support.
It is important to remember to take care of your mind as well as your body during this difficult time and to get support if you need it: services are still operating and available to anyone who needs help.
This information can help you look after your own mental wellbeing and details of services that can provide support if you need it.
Looking after your mental wellbeing:
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing can help you feel more positive and get the best out of life.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing are:
- Connecting with other people – good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. Some of us will feel isolated and lonely as a result of the pandemic and some of our usual support networks
might not be accessible. Try and stay in touch with family and friends on the ’phone or social media. Contact details for local and national befriending services are included below.
- Be physically active – being active is great for your physical health and mental wellbeing. Try and build some physical activity into your day. A walk outside, following an online exercise tutorial, or some gentle stretches could all help.
- Learn new skills – learning new things can be as simple as doing a crossword or sudoku, engaging in a hobby you enjoy, cooking a new recipe, or tackling a DIY project.
- Give to others – acts of giving and kindness can improve your mental wellbeing. This can be a small act of kindness such as saying thank you or really listening to a friend or relative who needs to talk.
- Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness) – being aware of the moment and your feelings can improve your awareness of your mood.
If you have access to the Internet suggestions on looking after your mental wellbeing during social distancing can be found here and here
Services and Support
If you have access to the internet full web and email addresses for the services on the pages below are included where available, as well as telephone contacts.
Local services
If you need help or support with your mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic, local services are still available. If you have a smart phone or tablet you can also download and use the NHS App.
You can contact your GP. GP practices are still open and can offer appointments by ‘phone or video call and can advise on support available.
Nottinghamshire Mental Health Helpline (delivered by Turning Point) is available if you are struggling with your mental health and need emotional support or information. Call the Nottinghamshire Mental Health Helpline on 0300 555 0730 9am to 11pm 7 days a week, or visit:
If you need immediate mental health support, call the Nottinghamshire Mental Health CRISIS Line on 0808 196 3779 (24 hours a day, seven days a week). The crisis line is open to people of all ages who live in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and is operated by local health workers, who will help callers to get the right support.
Talking Therapy (IAPT) services provide assessment and treatment, for common mental health problems which 1 in 4 of us will suffer with at some stage in our lives. This includes depression, anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), trauma and stress.
You can ask your GP to refer you to an IAPT service in your area or, if you have access to the Internet make a selfreferral via the NHS website
Harmless - Tomorrow Project can provide practical and emotional support for self-harm or suicidal thoughts/crisis as well as bereavement support for anyone who has been exposed to or affected by suicide. Call the Harmless referral line 0115 880 0282 and they will call you back, or email, or
The Grief Line is a service for those who need immediate support following bereavement. Call 0800 111 4451, lines open 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday and answerphone out of hours or email
The Grief Line can refer you on to the most appropriate service to support you.
CRUSE Nottinghamshire provide local support for bereaved adults and children. Call 01623 647645 or email
Support for carers
The Nottinghamshire Carer’s Hub is a free and confidential service for unpaid carers who look after a loved one, family member or friend. Carers can access information, advice, guidance and support from the Carers Hub. 0115 824 8824 Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm or email or visit the website
TuVida provide a volunteer service for carers. They provide a telephone and email befriending service, plus run various social activities. For more information call: 0115 824 6666 or email, website
Staying connected
Connect services: If you live in Nottinghamshire, you can find out about befriending and other services that can help you stay connected in your area by contacting Nottinghamshire County Council on 0300 500 80 80 or web:
Or contact one of the following Connect Services:
If you live in Nottingham City, you can find out about befriending services in your area by looking online at and search for befriending. There are also suggestions of activities that you may wish to join if you are feeling lonely.
If you would like to get advice about Age UK services, they can be contacted on 0115 844 0011 or email
Bassetlaw Action Centre is a community resource agency offering help and support to individuals and organisations throughout Bassetlaw; promoting the independence of older and vulnerable people and supporting individuals with long term conditions. Tel: 01777 709650 Mon-Fri 9.00am to 1:00pm Web:
Support with IT
If you live in Nottingham City or Nottinghamshire County and need help or support with IT or getting connected online then Connected Nottinghamshire can support you. You can call their support line for free IT help on 0115 883 8873 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or access tools, resources and useful information via their website:
Local service directories
Nottshelpyourself is an online directory of a range of organisations and services in Nottinghamshire, including services that can offer advice and support with financial concerns. If you need help using the directory or do not have access to the Internet contact an advisor on 0300 500 80 80.
AskLiON is a similar directory for Nottingham City. If you need help using the directory or do not have the Internet, for adult providers and services contact 0115 876 3101 (Please note this is a voicemail service which is not checked on a daily basis).
National Helplines
Age UK Advice Line: 0800 678 1602 open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. A free, confidential national phone service for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals for information to help you to access the advice you need.
Dementia UK: Coronavirus information for families looking after someone with dementia
Phone: 0800 888 6678 Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm; Saturday and Sunday 9am to 5pm
Alzheimer’s Society: Get personalised information, support and advice from the Dementia Connect support line.
Phone: 0333 150 3456 Mon-Wed 9am-8pm; Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat-Sun 10am-4pm. (Calls charged at standard local rate)
The NHS Volunteers Service can provide a telephone ‘check in and chat’ if you have mental health issues and are feeling isolated.
Phone: 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm) 7 days/week
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Phone: 0300 123 3393, open 9am-6pm, Mon-Fri (except for bank holidays)
Samaritans, 24/7 – Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you, 24 hours a day, 365 days/year.
Phone: 116 123
CRUSE Bereavement Care are a national charity offering online and telephone support.
Phone: 0808 808 1677 Monday and Friday 9.30am to 5pm; Tuesday to Thursday 9.30am to 8pm; Weekends 10am to 2pm
The Bereavement Advice Centre provide support for people who have been bereaved.
Phone: 0800 634 9494 Monday 9am to 5pm
Local Counselling
Rhianna Makin -