Our New Changes project provides casework support for women in Nottingham city and across Nottinghamshire.
We work with women who need help with:
- housing issues
- finances, benefits and debt
- work and training
- substance use and dependency
- family and relationships
- health and wellbeing
- lifestyle and purpose
- social isolation
We welcome all self-identifying women, regardless of race, disability, religion or belief. We are LGBTQIA+ inclusive.
Our New Changes casework service takes your individual needs into account to make a tailored plan for you. We will work with you for up to six weeks to complete the agreed actions and tasks.
We are open, honest, realistic and approachable. We will always take the time to help you understand how we can support you, without judgement, and with your individual needs in mind.
We ask you to attend appointments on time, be open and honest - to help us to help you, and to treat us with respect. We’d like you to give us enough notice if you can’t make an appointment and, to provide feedback to let us know what you think.
The service is open to all women aged 18 or over. You can refer yourself to the service, or just get in touch to find more.
Tel: 0115 941 1475
Email: reception@nottinghamwomenscentre.com
WhatsApp: 07930 825 030
Nottingham Women's Centre
30 Chaucer Street,
The New Changes project is funded by the Ministry of Justice as part of a programme ofsupport for women, aiming to prevent or reduce women’s involvement in the criminaljustice system. We need to collect information such as your name and date of birth soour funder can keep a record of how effective this project is. Your data will be storedsecurely, and information will not be shared with anyone else without your permission.